Monday, November 30, 2009

Sydney Says "HI"

'Kay, so me here.
I'm currently at school, but let's not talk about that.
Mah friend Syd here made a blog (quite weird, if I must say so myself) but her template is really cool.
Sorry, that's all that's really worth mentioning right now.
Hehe. Sorry. I just haven't read it yet, so...\

The girl next to me is looking at Wii games and shtuff, and I'm about to go run off to read manga. (Ouran Host Club, thank you very much. As I mentioned before, 'tis awesome)
So, with that I'm off!


Friday, November 27, 2009


Oh-hohohoho! (^ I sound like a deranged protagonist from a manga series. Honestly. & btw, I was not trying to sound like Santa Claus. Should it have been "Kukukuku"?)
This is mah 7th post.
I shall host a small virtual celebration.
Exciting isn't it?
Yus? Yus.
Hehe. I wasn't really kidding when I said I'd celebrate it. >_>
So here's the celebration picture above. ^
Totally irrelevant. I know.
The colors were pretty and it looked good (as a thumbnail) on Flickr when I was looking for cakes on there under the keyword "butterflies".
Er, yeah. Again, irrelevant, but I swear! There are cakes on there when you search "butterflies"!
Anyway, *cough*, I'm going to end this post now. (I think this is why I don't make a habit of uploading pictures onto this blog.)
Must finish mah POW 4.
EDIT: I have just decided that for every end of the month, I will pick my favorite post for that month. The end of the month is coming soon, but I already know which one I like. So I'm picking mah "Overpowing Urge" post. :D

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Cake Boss

Throughout today I had lots of things I wanted to blog about, but now they're gone.
Typical me.
Anyways, I'm watching Cake Boss right now.
I love the show! It's awesome and funny.
Not to mention they make cake on there.
I also finished watching the Chronicles of Narnia; it was pretty good.
It was just a bit annoying with the White Witch because the whole time I was going "Just kill the effing bitch!"
Er, yeah.

I also want to say that I'm starting Ouran High School Host Club.
It's really good so far.
The mangaka is really good at drawing!

Oh, well. G2g!

Overpowering Urge

I want to write! And read!
But I can't, 'cause I have to work on mah stupidstupid project.
I also want to do some photoshop too.

But what I reallyreally want to do right now is upload some butterfly photos from the camera, copyright it, and post it on Flickr.
I have this reallyreally aweshome shot with beeyootiful colors that will make you go


and it will PWN the life out of you. :D

Once I upload it I will probably link it here.
Happy readings for now.



It's Thanksgiving, so happy Thanksgiving!

I personally, am not a big fan of this day because none of the stores are open today (except for Wal-Mart) and I have no relatives in which I can celebrate it with.
Not to mention my mom doesn't know how to roast turkey and make mashed potatoes and stuffing and a whole bunch of whatever stuff you eat on Thanksgiving.
Excuse my negativeness.

Besides that,
I have realized
that I would really
want to try
to write
a very
verse novel.

Like that ^

I'm working on a short story currently, and I have only written about 5 sentences. Quite pathetic, if I must say so myself.
It will come along. Soon.
I'm just really bad at coming up with a good plot and trying to make it as un-confusing as possible.
The deadline for it January 8th or something like that, and hopefully I'll get a majority of it done during winter break and over the weekends.

Anyways, I have no more to say on this nice, overcast morning.
I'll post/edit later with some stuff when I'm bored doing HW.
Happy Thanksgiving.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tablet PCs

Third post. :)
I'm getting there.
More than five, and it calls for a celebration!
jk. (maybe)

Anyway, I was browsing through on the computer.
I click the start button > all programs > accessories > tablet pc
And just before I opened the "Tablet PC" folder I thought, "Woah! This computer as programs a tablet PC would have?!" Smart, I know.
After all, this computer IS fairly new. (Kinda.)
And then I clicked tablet pc > windows journal
I get an electronic loose leaf piece of paper.
I start writing, but it's all deformed and messed up and ugly
So I think, "What's the point?"
Now I'm sad.
I want a tablet PC.
My geometry teacher has one.
I envy him a lot right now.

I just noticed; I seemed to be getting into the habit of writing in short, simple sentences.

Just as a side-note, I have a ton of homework.
So I feel sucky.
I would probably say shitty, but according to an acquaintance of mine, "sucky/sucks" sounds so much better and nicer.
and saying "shitty" just shows that you have poor vocabulary.

Anyway, enough of my blabbing.

EDIT: I JUST realized-- and I feel a tad bit stupid for it-- but my blog layout has the same design as my lunchbox, only in a different color scheme. XD

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2nd Post!

I'm happy, for the most part.
I have decided to come back and make a new post!
Exciting, isn't it?
Yes, yes, very.

It's 6:33 currently, and I feel a bit bad because I still have a ton of homework left.
I want to cry. (Not literally, though. Of course not.)

I have Jason Myraz's song, "I'm Yours" stuck in my head.
He has a nice voice. :)

First Post!

I created this blog a while ago. More than a year ago, to be exact. I soon lost interest (because I'm just that kind of person) and have not blogged until now. It's been a while, but that's ok. I've revamped this, and hopefully I will somehow be able to pull this through.

If anyone was wondering how I came back to mah blog, let's just say that some old classmates of mine made a one, and it's pretty entertaining. :) Check it out:
