Sunday, June 20, 2010

I’m Not Poor -_-''

(BTW, I changed my theme again. Best seen with full screen. +mah old theme Thank goshness I didn’t reload my theme for Writer. –phew.)
As the title suggests, I feel bad because I asked for financial aid for camp. I don’t think I should really make it such a big deal, because my dad is in Maryland and things are a little tough right now. But my dignity, I guess, is just too big for me to swallow ATM. –sigh. What I’m trying to say is that sometimes when people somehow find out that you are in need of financial assistance or that you applied for aid, there’s that goddammmmm (< hehe) pity. And/or the look in their eyes that says, “I’m sorry. I should help you/give you special attention because you are needier than me.” And/or they patronize you because you are needier than them, so they think they can bully you (indirectly or directly, through small or big ways—this is a touchy subject, but I do feel that in some ways or another I have been bullied/patronized [usually because of race—I mean face it, there is still a lot of racism]). ANYWAYS, my point being that I’m a little uncomfortable about the fact that I asked for financial aid. (Then again, I don’t think I would’ve been able to escape stupid FRESHMAN CONNECTION if I hadn’t.)

Anyway, onto lighter subjects. I was watching TNT the other day, and the Rescue Me commercial came on with Alicia Keys singing her “Concrete jungle where dreams are made of/ there’s nothing you can’t do/ now you’re in New York/ these streets will make you feel brand new/ the lights will inspire you” part from Empire State of Mind and I decided that I was gonna try to look for a version with her just solo. I mean, seriously, I just don’t sing rap. (I love the when her voice gets a little scratchy on the higher notes.)
And another thing about Empire State of Mind—a ton of people on Youtube were like, “Hey, high-five if you’re from New York! :)” I mean, I’m sure in the suburbs and the rural areas, NY has very pretty lights. I mean, the chorus (and pretty much every other lyric in her solo version) suggest that it’s New York CITY. Don’t be so conceited guys, I understand, we all want to live in places like NYC and Chicago, yes? :D Yes, I’m being a bit mean about this, but whatever. Just playing. (Don’t get me wrong [like last time].) 

On the topic of music, I realized that I love going through my iTunes library with my mom. I remember going through my JRock songs (by アリス九號。—it was really fun asking VoiceOver to say it. HAHA. XD ) and she asked me, “What kind of music are you listening to?” Then we listened to David Archuleta sing Crush + Touch My Hand + A Little Too Not Over You and I get, “Who is this? Why’s his voice so quiet?” I cracked up. :)

Lastly, I’m working on CHAPTER 1 (if you don’t remember, you can read it via Google Docs, and please, no copy/pasting to others) as Sheila spontaneously emailed me this week to tell me to finish. I suddenly now have a couple other ideas floating through my head (they are going to evaporate soon) and it’s so funny the times creativity decides to tap me on the forehead. Because I’m obviously not that hot and lazy to write them down.

Gonna blog sometime later.

Listening to: my iTunes library (or more specifically, my “awesome songs” playlist :) )

--fades out.


Sydney Gillary said...

no funny comment to write here
insert your own por favor

Sydney Gillary said...

I hate your new theme.
I say this with as much love as possible.
I like the movie/filming lights
but the old theme
now that was da bomb.
(why no comment about poptropica?)

Anonymous said...

i like ur theme...

Sydney Gillary said...

Okay, the last one
that was a little mean
and i apologize for that.
i just reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaally liked your old theme
but if your happy with this one
full speed ahead!

JayTee said...

i've no idea why you're commenting multiple times... O_o"
anyways... wonder who "anonymous" is.
and i will comment about poptropica; just not yet.
i have a couple topics i wanna address in my next official post. cuz, ya know, these two i posted were just random babbles. :D

Sydney Gillary said...

I enjoy doing a multipost. it is fun
and i have yet to figure out if we can edit comments sooo....
if u post about poptropica, make sure that u mention that i found it first, told you, didn't play for like a week, and then finished in 3 hours ;)

JayTee said...

sure. who?
and no thanks.
if i was gonna post about poptropica i'll do a walkthrough. a very vague one.