Tuesday, June 1, 2010


June, I think, marks a very thin line between an end and a beginning. (Or rather, a beginning and an end.) It marks the beginning of a serious personal change (for the better or worse... ATM it seems for the worse D:  like losing rather important things and not knowing when tests are-- the tides had better turn!!! * _ *) and also the end of actual SCHOOL.
You know what? I honestly have no idea what I"m talking about, as to how a beginning and end relates to what's been going on in my life right now. But let's just check out mah schedule:

2nd: must fill out counselor form for FYI, print/email physical exam scan and scholarship form to Dawn Mikels, and send out all other forms to Purdue (including Getting to Know You). go talk to Dr. Kenner about interview. make sure times are set for recitals. ortho @ 3.30

3rd: finish writing paragraph about Dr. Kenner. collect class trip money. redo ss packet. Beethoven's Sonata for Piano, op. 13 no.8 - Grave MUST BE MEMORIZED COMPLETELY. ask about mandarin textbooks. HAPPY BDAY TO YUYU. 8D

4th: give revised essay to Swanson. finish log!!! finish majority of Chinese HW. finish reading omnivore's dilemma and finish the questions up to chapter 16. finish family food survey and analysis, organize pictures. pick up glasses!!!

5th: ABRSM recital (HOLY CRAP I HAVEN'T PRACTICED MUCH). 12.55 @ track meet. an hour piano lessons @ 3? STUDYSTUDYSTUDY. finish up all bio projects. finish up all chinese hw. shoe/dress shopping.

6th: PRACTICEPRACTICEPRACTICE. recital in deerfield @ 2. STUDYSTUDYSTUDY. finish up all bio projects. finish up all chinese hw. shoe/dress shopping

7th-9th: STUDY!!! pay off textbook debts and get cap and gown. unwrinkle them. shoe/dress shopping.

10th: would be pure awesomeness if people came over to my house for sleepover, got ready, and headed over to John Hancock. :D LUNCHEON!

13th: practice speech. get dress ready for graduation.

14th: rehearsal @ 7. (for food >:D  )

15th: graduation before 12.


(And this schedule is going to be something I'm gonna stick with for the rest of the month. O_o)
We should totally have a party!!! *  v  * (to celebrate both graduation and my bday. did you know my golden birthday is also when I turn legal???)

I would say that I'm going to do Pt3 soon, but that's so overrated now. And some of my series have been updated two to three times since I last posted Pt1 and 2, so I think I am going to just restart, starting finals week. :) Hold me to that.


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