Saturday, May 22, 2010


OHSHC fanfic, but is so well written that you don't have to know zip about the manga serial. It's M-rated, but just for violence/bad language. I forgot what else was in it; it's been so long since I read it. Brace yourself, and don't come accusing me of whatever insults you come up with. I SOOOO wanna write something just as good for NaNoWriMo. *Dreams*

Ok, I've neglected this for a while again, sadly.
I planned to post Pt3 a long time ago, but I haven't been bored recently. Coffee Prince, Avatar, fanfics... They've all been keeping me busy.

And so after hanging around LJ many times, I decided to make an account. I'm hopeless, I know. But I guess it'll just be an outlet for fanfic ideas that I don't really deem ready to publish on yet.
But it'll just be like another blog, and so therefore prolly completely pointless. WHATEVER.

For future reference, I guess. Check back in a month, and I'll prolly have everything set.

And just BTW, I have two piano recitals, one for ABRSM (stupid mom for advertising that I passed Grade8) and one as a preparation for my competition near the end of June, on the 5th and 6th, respectively. (Whew. Long sentence--is it a run-on?) Feeling pretty stressed.

Listening to: United State of Pop '09

I should prolly be working on homework. Sigh.

I'm going shoe shopping/dress shopping tomorrow. I haven't got anything done, and mom's gonna be pissed. And I'm gonna end up deep in shite.


Sydney Gillary said...

shame on u tangy! no dress or shoes? shoes took me like 2 months to find and i may have just gotten one of my dresses today.
sloppy sloppy sloppy <3

JayTee said...