Friday, December 18, 2009

Lemme Count... 1,2... 6 Things?

So, unfortunately, I have these all in my head, so I might've lost some stuff I wanted to say. Anyways, on with the post.

1 Charlie Trotters. IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!
That's all I'm gonna say. I don't wanna make @Syd feel bad.

2 My post times. Have you've noticed that +Side Post and +ACT has interesting post times? Like, "Side Post" was posted 2:52 and "ACT" was posted 5:55?
Erm, yeah.

3 I love talking to myself.

4 I went to swim team for the first time in about 2 months! SCARY!!! But don't worry, this winter break, I'mma go EVERYDAY.
Not to mention I have a TON of muscle to make up and fat to burn off. *sighs*

5 My mom likes talking to herself too.
Guess it runs in the family?
Today, she was parking the car when we got home from club practice (swim team, if you don't understand), and she found a good parking spot.
She said that.
That's what she said.

6 Ice skating/Dance-a-Day/New Year's Resolution/whatever else
So this is the part where I forget which one I really wanted to say, but obvious none of these are really what I wanted to say. Since I forgot, I might as well say them. Huh.
(P.S. I need a new swimsuit)
(PP.S. My daddy is coming back the 23rd! And Ouran Kouko [<-- really supposed to be spelled Koko] Host Club is coming out 24th! And I really need to get my PR assignment done by 2morrow! I'm screwed!)
(PPP.S. That was very long.^ )
(PPPP.S. I'm a bit hyper, I think. I just ate two Kit-Kats. I shouldn't be, though, because I'm supposed to be tired from swimming. I put in too many post-post-post scripts.)
So I want to go ice skating soon.
Tomorrow is Dance-a-Day. Can't wait for Dindada!
I'm doing New Year's Resolutions with @Syd. I'll post one 2morrow.
Chibi bodies are hard?
I want to go shopping.
What is my "Christmas present" this year? I hope its an iPod touch. But only if I try really hard.




JayTee said...

its the way of tagging people on facebook.
and then ur gonna say, well, this is not facebook. but whatevs. i wanted to tag you on the blog so blah. i was too lazy to put in your blog link in there so yeah.

Sydney Gillary said...

... okay... no more choco minto cando caneos for you. and thats final