Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bringing the NEW YEAR!

Happy New Year's, everyone! <3
Yeah, it's not 2010 yet officially, but who cares.
So I hope everybody is ready to let this year go.
I, for one, am very happy to let go, because '09 was definitely not a walk in the park. Sure, it was a very relaxed year, but not much has come out it. (no offense)
I'm definitely looking forward to 2010.
It kicks off in February with the Winter Olympics (-squee- I can't wait!), our class trip, luncheon, graduation, high school...
These are just a few major events this year.
Not to mention I have many piano competitions and other things I want to attend this year.

Part of my New Year's resolutions is to actually try this year.
Personally, I don't think I've been a very good student this year.
I haven't really been paying attention in class, nor actually being my normal perfectionistic self, and I haven't really been trying my best.
My writing skillz have deterioriated, Claire's still better at me than math, Amy's taller than me, and so many more things I lack. (Yes, I am pretty competitive; deal with it.)
I really want to learn the Grieg concerto in A minor this year, and I hope to pass my piano exam.
I also hope to improve my writing skillz, add more words to my vocab, get better and faster at math, get taller, get faster at swimming...
Most of all, I wish to get some self-control.
Because I honestly lost mine one or two years ago.
Not kidding. I used to have some.
Obviously there's a lot more negativeness left in my system, but let's put that aside for now.

I went to the Japanese market place today, and I'm seeing more non-Japanese people over the years. (namely, Americans and Chinese people)
But what really amazes me is the fact that if you walk around the store, you will be able to catch the words "wasabi" and "teriyaki" in American accents.
I mean, wasabiwasabiwasabi.
Is that all they think about?
There's much more pwnsome Japanese food besides wasabi.
And teriyaki.
Also, I was so close to buying the Japanese magazine.
The one with Momo, Arisa, Shugo Chara...
I'm so mad that my parents wouldn't let me buy one.
I'm also upset that my parents let me forget Japanese.

Let's not be Johnny Raincloud and rain down our your cheery New Year's spirit.

Happy New Year's everybody.
I hope that 2010 will be a year full of surprises, good luck, and good fortune.

-glugs down some champagne-


Friday, December 25, 2009


I'M SO EXCITED!!! KYA!!! [/CAPS lock]

Mmkay, so if you haven't caught on already I've upgraded my Vista to Windows 7. Trust me, it took about, what? 6 hours? It's quite complicated and troublesome, but its worth it! And the new desktop backgrounds are extremely cool. -squees-

Anyways, yeah.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

More Things to Ramble About

1 Recently I've been fantasizing about how I suddenly moved to Japan. And even though my life there would be like hell because I'd be SOOOOO behind on everything, I'd still have facebook and this blog. Not to mention I would make a new blog in which I would write everything in Japanese...

2 So Ouran Host Club is coming out 2morrow! *EXCITED*
I also read Chapter 14 of Akagami no Shirayuki. And it was soooo cute! -wub- I don't think its been released yet.

3 Counterfeit Island on Poptropica came out a few days ago with early admission! So I logged on to my account, but because I was so stupid in buying the Astro Knights Island early pass even though I knew I wouldn't be able to use it, I didn't have enough credits to buy the pass (450, but you needed 500)! And you even get 200 credits instead of the usual 100! Obviously, I made a new account, finished the 5 easiest islands (Shark Tooth, Early Poptropica, Nabooti, Nate, Time Twisted) and I bought the pass! Yay! And I finished the island and got 200 credits! Yay!
So it was probably on the easier side, but I guess it was still fun. For once, I didn't use a tutorial, and it made it all the more fun because I got to solve the whole mystery all by mahself.

4 I'm in the middle of changing my handwriting. It's coming along, but not quite.

5 I can't wait to see New Moon. Meh mom promised me to take me to see it.
Yep, I can almost hear you guys asking me that angrily.
That is because we are driving all the way to Skokie (don't ask why; 'tis for the sake of Old Orchard Mall). Not to mention I don't really like organizing group activities, especially during winter break. WAY too troublesome.

6 I'm thinking about continuing my fanfics. It's been a while, and not writing things seems to have deteriorated mah skillz. The hiatus status will soon be gone! Yays!

Friday, December 18, 2009



So I just remembered that I wanted to say that that last post was posted 8:08. How interesting.

Now let's back track. Because I've forgotten again. Sorry.
I'll edit this later once I remember.

EDIT: Yush!Yush! I remember now! Yay!
So today I was looking through my old choir songs, and I started playing/singing them. It was really fun. So my favorites happen to be "Blackbird" in SATB and "Summertime" in SAB. I can probably bring them to school in 2010.

Lemme Count... 1,2... 6 Things?

So, unfortunately, I have these all in my head, so I might've lost some stuff I wanted to say. Anyways, on with the post.

1 Charlie Trotters. IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!
That's all I'm gonna say. I don't wanna make @Syd feel bad.

2 My post times. Have you've noticed that +Side Post and +ACT has interesting post times? Like, "Side Post" was posted 2:52 and "ACT" was posted 5:55?
Erm, yeah.

3 I love talking to myself.

4 I went to swim team for the first time in about 2 months! SCARY!!! But don't worry, this winter break, I'mma go EVERYDAY.
Not to mention I have a TON of muscle to make up and fat to burn off. *sighs*

5 My mom likes talking to herself too.
Guess it runs in the family?
Today, she was parking the car when we got home from club practice (swim team, if you don't understand), and she found a good parking spot.
She said that.
That's what she said.

6 Ice skating/Dance-a-Day/New Year's Resolution/whatever else
So this is the part where I forget which one I really wanted to say, but obvious none of these are really what I wanted to say. Since I forgot, I might as well say them. Huh.
(P.S. I need a new swimsuit)
(PP.S. My daddy is coming back the 23rd! And Ouran Kouko [<-- really supposed to be spelled Koko] Host Club is coming out 24th! And I really need to get my PR assignment done by 2morrow! I'm screwed!)
(PPP.S. That was very long.^ )
(PPPP.S. I'm a bit hyper, I think. I just ate two Kit-Kats. I shouldn't be, though, because I'm supposed to be tired from swimming. I put in too many post-post-post scripts.)
So I want to go ice skating soon.
Tomorrow is Dance-a-Day. Can't wait for Dindada!
I'm doing New Year's Resolutions with @Syd. I'll post one 2morrow.
Chibi bodies are hard?
I want to go shopping.
What is my "Christmas present" this year? I hope its an iPod touch. But only if I try really hard.



Sunday, December 13, 2009


Okay, so I'm extremely excited and giddy right now.
I still have not finished my geometry hw or my Mandarin hw or my dance hw, but still.
Spider-Man 3 is on right now, and I'm listening to a Cello Concerto by Philip Glass, who is the best and I'm trying to do my dance hw.
So I'm extremely giddy right now because Spider-Man is exciting, the cello piece is awesome, and I'm trying to think back to a dance concert I went to for my dance hw and that dance concert was cool so I get excited thinking about that.
Anyway, I should really get back to doing hw.
I can do my Mandarin hw during class, anyways. xD


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Side Post

Okay, so I currently am in no mood to write a proper post, so I want to ask you guys if you would like an icon...
Keep in mind that if you say yes, by the time you tell me and ask me for it, I will most likely say no.
Just saying...
And I will not link it or anything of that sort because then you will just steal/rip it, and use it without crediting me. And then someone else decides they like it and then they steal/rip it and use it and then it just circulates and circulates...
If you guys wanna see it, find me on TDA because it is a site where NO ONE will be and allowed to be so dishonest as to steal/rip it.

Peace out.

Friday, December 4, 2009


I'm sad because I have to take the ACT test soon.
I have not studied for it yet. At all.
Epic fail. I know.

Today we had our winter dance.
It was really fun!
The DJ wasn't THAT bad.
I'm pretty sure it was a lot better than last year.
We also made a lot of money. ;)

Today was very productive.
I'll post later, soon.
