Sunday, August 1, 2010

Nice sunny day, isn’t it? Why yes, I quite enjoy the sparkle of my skin.

Current obsession: Cayla Kluver’s Legacy. It’s amazing she’s seventeen (16 when she wrote the book) and I like the plot very much. :) (LOVE TRIANGLES FTW!)
Prologue for Legacy’s sequel, Allegiance. And after that would be Redemption, but that’s a long time later. Which brings me to Eldunari, which is the supposed title for the last book in the Inheritance series! I guess I can add that to my wishlist, along with Allegiance when it comes out. :D

(I’ve noticed I’m not as hyper as usual nowadays. You know, excessive usage of emotes, parentheses, and caps lock. I think someone stole my jazz. D:< aka my GRRR face. Guesses are welcome. ‘Cause my blog would very much like comments. They warm my heart. :) At least, as warm as it can get, because we all know that my heart doesn’t warm easily.)

Anyways, onto the real topic, VAMPIRES! YAY.

So, today I went to see Eclipse. I felt a little weird admitting it to people, because you say, “Oh, I’m going to see Eclipse today” or “Oh, I wanna go see Eclipse sometime” and it just makes people go LOL. (At least, on FB chat. But who knows what their real reaction is? Something like a sarcastic “uh huh” with an eyebrow raise.) Plus when you say Twilight Saga, everybody thinks the whole cheesy vampire chick-flick that started the whole vampire-and-other-related-mystical-creatures-and-kingdoms-and-whatnot trend (or fad). And the sparkly skin under the sun. Because if you do think about it, sure, reading the Twilight Saga does (for most girls) induce some sort of giddy fangirl-ness. It doesn’t for me, but I don’t hate it. But when you really think about it, and you really listen to what those with opinionated minds say, the Saga is just basically an inner fantasy of a very lucky author and excessive usage of big words. But otherwise, Bella is hard to relate to, or maybe not relate-able at all. (Oh dear. Here I can go on about how unfair it is that somehow all the heroines in books are pretty. Now what happened to the fairytale ending for the ordinary and very plain-looking girl?) But, (finally onto my real point here) I saw Eclipse today (redundant, much?) and it still made me smile (really wide so you can see all my braces) regardless of everything. Because I just happen to LURVE love triangles. Sigh.

sunshine And, speaking of how Twilight is an inner fantasy, it’s “an inner fantasy of a very lucky author and excessive usage of big words”, quoting my earlier words, completely incomparable to Sunshine. It was reallyreallyreally good. :) Although, I don’t think I did it much justice, because there was too much “world-building” going on (and in my mind I kept wondering, DO THEY REALLY?) that I was a little impatient for the end. I doubt you would have any self-control to not read the spoilers, but this wonderful review sums up everything nicely. I’m prolly slacking, but I couldn’t have said it any better, not to mention I didn’t even view the book as deeply as the reviewer did. Anyways, I loved it.

I found this too, and it seems a little interesting. Although Robin McKinley should tell us what the recipes are.

Lastly, you likey my new theme? + Here.



1 comment:

Sydney Gillary said...

>< liked ur first theme better poppie