Sunday, August 8, 2010

Twilight. And vacay.

It’s amazing what goes on online. But eitherway, my mom’s been watching the Twilight Saga with Chinese subs (she actually finished the 3 yesterday night) and it scares me a little, frankly.

Anyways, I’m just saying that I’ll be leaving for Maryland Monday morning, and will be back the 16th. (Missing a day of Acky orientation, but whatever. And I will not be reachable through my cell, ‘cause I’m leaving it at home. So don’t text me.) It’s the first time I’ve been on a plane in 4 years (in which I went to New York and the East Coast). I used to go vacay a lot, but not anymore, sadly. I traveled all over Japan when I was there (and Australia and China), and in third grade I went to San Francisco and the West Coast, and in 4th, to New York and the East Coast. I’d like to go to Hawaii one day, and the Caribbean. And of course, Europe. And South Korea…

Thank goshness we’re taking the computer. But I don’t think I’d be able to surf, because there’s not always going to be WiFi (sigh, gonna miss my high-speed) and my mom’s very sensitive about using the computer off its battery. (She doesn’t like it, let’s just say. And telling her that I just want to surf is not going to be a good enough reason to use it.)

I hope I won Ace’s Up. No guarantees though. Sadly I can’t check because I’m leaving for Midway at 6am tomorrow. And I really want to enter in the next ARC giveaway too.

Lastly, I’ve officially given out Shadowed Summer. I guess I decided that it would be happier in someone else’s hands.


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