Monday, July 5, 2010


This post, I'd say, is actually meaningful, for once. Today, you, along with me, will explore embedding mp3 players into a blog post. Yay! It is a simple matter of HTML codes, which I copied off the Web. The only codes I write involve Logo, which is no use unless you want to draw pretty shapes and tessellations with the Turtle. :) (I do know some simple HTML, but that's about it.) So please, don't feign innocence and ask why not. Besides, you'd be rubbing it in, since mom's not letting me go to UC this summer, and if she did, I would've been able to learn Javascript! ARGH.

Anyways, what we're also doing this time is playing a guessing game! WHEE. I've been training my ear to be sharper, unconsciously or consciously, and I like to pick out the little tiny sections of a song and separate them. Like a melody always has a harmony, a pop song has a lot going on in the background, except you just don't notice because everyone listens to the melody. I've gone ahead and picked out sections of songs I like (mostly because the electric guitar sounds so KEWL).

First link

Sadly this allows a download, but I couldn't find any other good ones that worked. -sigh.
I don't think you would've preferred it to this:

which has no volume controls and has branding. GAH. Not that you could do much with a download of a 23 second section of a song, so we go rolling along!
Also, if you are true, loyal fan, then you should know #1.

Second link

This one's a bit harder, but... If you'd been to Yahoo! recently you should prolly know. :D

Third link
Fourth link

These two are the hardest. But man, they are really cool. :)

Lastly, two more:

Fifth link part 1
Fifth link part 2

All from the same song. Not very well known, but if you go for something Disney-related, you just might be able to get it.

If I get some comments, I can start working on another Guessing Game, and maybe, just maybe, I'll include answers from this game.
How 'bout that, yush?


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