Friday, June 25, 2010


Mkay, so read some good books today. :) I’m adding the “Recently Read Books” widget. Graceling by Kristin Cashore. Yush. :D I’ve been reading so much fantasy recently, and I’ve simply no patience for the classics that I promised myself I’d read (or reread, in some cases). But I guess fantasy is just so much easier to immerse myself into and allow myself to be swept into. Besides, the books in YouMedia are so neeew and some of them look realllly cool (I’m sorry I judge books by their cover, but it’s a habit I can’t overcome).

And Live Writer is so kewl. Yesterday was the 27th and the previous post was posted the 20th (which was when I drafted it). >:D Today’s the 28th, but I think this should go as the 25th, haha.

I was so bored recently that I decided to learn (or more accurately, sight-read) some more pop songs. Well, in this case, I was going for more Yiruma-like songs (and prolly other Asian songs, because they sound pretty and have really nice cadences, like Gackt). I found some good ones, so for now, I’ve got something new to work on. I have to admit, I do feel a bit bad. I already have a couple songs that are currently in progress (like La Campanella and Un Sospiro by Liszt [La Campanella is not by Paganini, idiots! Paganini composes for violin, not pianists! IT WAS A COLLABORATION!], Yiruma’s Kiss the Rain, Chopin’s Ballade No. 1, and Pachelbel’s Canon arranged for piano solo…)

Lastly, I forgot to say that I cut my hair. :D So once I take a good picture I’ll post it, along with my other pair of purple glasses that no one’s yet seen/recognized. (For some reason I’m really sensitive to when a person gets new glasses. People look totally different, and that’s why you really have to choose glasses that look good on you. The way they frame your face prolly makes a subtle difference, but its enough to make you look different.)


Sunday, June 20, 2010

I’m Not Poor -_-''

(BTW, I changed my theme again. Best seen with full screen. +mah old theme Thank goshness I didn’t reload my theme for Writer. –phew.)
As the title suggests, I feel bad because I asked for financial aid for camp. I don’t think I should really make it such a big deal, because my dad is in Maryland and things are a little tough right now. But my dignity, I guess, is just too big for me to swallow ATM. –sigh. What I’m trying to say is that sometimes when people somehow find out that you are in need of financial assistance or that you applied for aid, there’s that goddammmmm (< hehe) pity. And/or the look in their eyes that says, “I’m sorry. I should help you/give you special attention because you are needier than me.” And/or they patronize you because you are needier than them, so they think they can bully you (indirectly or directly, through small or big ways—this is a touchy subject, but I do feel that in some ways or another I have been bullied/patronized [usually because of race—I mean face it, there is still a lot of racism]). ANYWAYS, my point being that I’m a little uncomfortable about the fact that I asked for financial aid. (Then again, I don’t think I would’ve been able to escape stupid FRESHMAN CONNECTION if I hadn’t.)

Anyway, onto lighter subjects. I was watching TNT the other day, and the Rescue Me commercial came on with Alicia Keys singing her “Concrete jungle where dreams are made of/ there’s nothing you can’t do/ now you’re in New York/ these streets will make you feel brand new/ the lights will inspire you” part from Empire State of Mind and I decided that I was gonna try to look for a version with her just solo. I mean, seriously, I just don’t sing rap. (I love the when her voice gets a little scratchy on the higher notes.)
And another thing about Empire State of Mind—a ton of people on Youtube were like, “Hey, high-five if you’re from New York! :)” I mean, I’m sure in the suburbs and the rural areas, NY has very pretty lights. I mean, the chorus (and pretty much every other lyric in her solo version) suggest that it’s New York CITY. Don’t be so conceited guys, I understand, we all want to live in places like NYC and Chicago, yes? :D Yes, I’m being a bit mean about this, but whatever. Just playing. (Don’t get me wrong [like last time].) 

On the topic of music, I realized that I love going through my iTunes library with my mom. I remember going through my JRock songs (by アリス九號。—it was really fun asking VoiceOver to say it. HAHA. XD ) and she asked me, “What kind of music are you listening to?” Then we listened to David Archuleta sing Crush + Touch My Hand + A Little Too Not Over You and I get, “Who is this? Why’s his voice so quiet?” I cracked up. :)

Lastly, I’m working on CHAPTER 1 (if you don’t remember, you can read it via Google Docs, and please, no copy/pasting to others) as Sheila spontaneously emailed me this week to tell me to finish. I suddenly now have a couple other ideas floating through my head (they are going to evaporate soon) and it’s so funny the times creativity decides to tap me on the forehead. Because I’m obviously not that hot and lazy to write them down.

Gonna blog sometime later.

Listening to: my iTunes library (or more specifically, my “awesome songs” playlist :) )

--fades out.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I gots a new theme! ^_____^

I prolly might change it once in a while, because there are lots of cool combos and I wanna see them all. But maybe this one will grow on me (or maybe my old one has grown on me) so who knows?

Random post, so here’s a pic of me during/after graduation:

me grad less grainy   IMG000026

And another random pic:

29lll74Keep rocking, peeps!
And also, please, NO STEALING THIS PIC.
I swear, I can give a very long lecture about how immoral it is to rip others’ graphics, (seriously) coming from an amateur graphics maker.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


June, I think, marks a very thin line between an end and a beginning. (Or rather, a beginning and an end.) It marks the beginning of a serious personal change (for the better or worse... ATM it seems for the worse D:  like losing rather important things and not knowing when tests are-- the tides had better turn!!! * _ *) and also the end of actual SCHOOL.
You know what? I honestly have no idea what I"m talking about, as to how a beginning and end relates to what's been going on in my life right now. But let's just check out mah schedule:

2nd: must fill out counselor form for FYI, print/email physical exam scan and scholarship form to Dawn Mikels, and send out all other forms to Purdue (including Getting to Know You). go talk to Dr. Kenner about interview. make sure times are set for recitals. ortho @ 3.30

3rd: finish writing paragraph about Dr. Kenner. collect class trip money. redo ss packet. Beethoven's Sonata for Piano, op. 13 no.8 - Grave MUST BE MEMORIZED COMPLETELY. ask about mandarin textbooks. HAPPY BDAY TO YUYU. 8D

4th: give revised essay to Swanson. finish log!!! finish majority of Chinese HW. finish reading omnivore's dilemma and finish the questions up to chapter 16. finish family food survey and analysis, organize pictures. pick up glasses!!!

5th: ABRSM recital (HOLY CRAP I HAVEN'T PRACTICED MUCH). 12.55 @ track meet. an hour piano lessons @ 3? STUDYSTUDYSTUDY. finish up all bio projects. finish up all chinese hw. shoe/dress shopping.

6th: PRACTICEPRACTICEPRACTICE. recital in deerfield @ 2. STUDYSTUDYSTUDY. finish up all bio projects. finish up all chinese hw. shoe/dress shopping

7th-9th: STUDY!!! pay off textbook debts and get cap and gown. unwrinkle them. shoe/dress shopping.

10th: would be pure awesomeness if people came over to my house for sleepover, got ready, and headed over to John Hancock. :D LUNCHEON!

13th: practice speech. get dress ready for graduation.

14th: rehearsal @ 7. (for food >:D  )

15th: graduation before 12.


(And this schedule is going to be something I'm gonna stick with for the rest of the month. O_o)
We should totally have a party!!! *  v  * (to celebrate both graduation and my bday. did you know my golden birthday is also when I turn legal???)

I would say that I'm going to do Pt3 soon, but that's so overrated now. And some of my series have been updated two to three times since I last posted Pt1 and 2, so I think I am going to just restart, starting finals week. :) Hold me to that.