Monday, October 18, 2010

Love is a Song, Love is a Song, Love is a Song.

Freshman city champ! :) 14:41, I think, with about 7:20 splits.
I've been made an alternate for varsity, for regionals/sectionals/state (if we qualify). It totally surprised me, when we came to the "final" meeting to turn in our uniforms, turns out I'm still in season for two more weeks. Which is great, I mean, I'm happy that Geiger sees enough potential in me for me to be varsity next year, but I kinda made other plans. Like, you know, math team? Piano? (speaking of which, I have to accompany my friend who's playing flute for her exam which is in NOVEMBER.) And I have to design for the school directory, yearbook...

My new Yamaha U1 piano is coming next Saturday. :D

 The Ballad Of You And I
My new favorite song. Currently I love all U2-ish sounding songs. -squee-


Check this out here :

I'm crossing my fingers.

And my toes.

My research for an awesome dSLR still continues.
But also on my list is the...
Sorry, lost that train of thought.
I think I might've meant to say that I still hae a Chem test to study for, and that I'm worried about how badly I failed my AP Human Geo quiz. Afterall, I did get 66.6 (devil's number, much?) on my last one. Haha.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Homework is going to kill me. And then my mom, if she finds a way to revive me.

Alright, so, I friended some old acquaintances on Facebook for the wrong reasons.

Alright, that didn't sound right

I friended some old acquaintances on Facebook because I LURVE their pictures.


I friended some old acquaintances on Facebook because I love their picture quality, and most importantly, I love their photo editting skills. And their photography skills. SKILLZZZ.

So now I'm telling my mom that I should really get a digital SLR camera.
Yush, I am doing my research. At the moment, I'm looking at the Nikon D3000, I guess, since I know it takes great pictures and its cheap. But I think I'll have to do more research on different lenses, ISO, exposure, and apeture, because I really want to figure out how to take those really cool photos at night with flash.