Friday, May 28, 2010

Geek Chic

geek chic copy As you may know, I lost my glasses on Monday (I mean, WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS STEAL GLASSES???) and so I had to get new ones. I saw some “geek chic” ones and was about to get them, but I didn’t know when they would soon be “out” and what would be “in” (again—fashion repeats itself) next.

So I decided to PS myself with them since I would not be able to wear geek chic glasses. I decided to do some crazy stuff with it. (I might have gone a little overboard with the filters and some parts I was too lazy to look over and erase—the effects on the face are distracting.) It turned out nicely, and didn’t really take as much time (an hour—it takes about 4-5 times longer usually).

the original    v                                    where i got the glasses    v

IMG000011 GeekChicFinal

I ended up getting two of the same glasses (except the colors are different). I can’t wait to get them!

Pt3 is also coming soon!


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Windows Live Writer

Ok, ok. I’m getting there.
I’m going to post Pt3 sometime soon, I PROMISE! (more like, I’m promising myself that I will promise to post it.)

Anyways, I just wanted to post this since I had just linked this blog to my, ahem, “Windows Live Writer”, which came with mah aweshome Windows 7. Now I can blog offline! The joys. And it has automatic spell check too! HOOOOLY CRAAAAP.

And lastly, I just wanted to post this vid:

I had to download and edit/cut some parts for my decades project (2000s, btw). It’s pretty interesting, but a little confusing for those who don’t really know how it works. I barely understand it, so I hope that when I present tomorrow, no one’s going to grill me with hard questions.


Saturday, May 22, 2010


OHSHC fanfic, but is so well written that you don't have to know zip about the manga serial. It's M-rated, but just for violence/bad language. I forgot what else was in it; it's been so long since I read it. Brace yourself, and don't come accusing me of whatever insults you come up with. I SOOOO wanna write something just as good for NaNoWriMo. *Dreams*

Ok, I've neglected this for a while again, sadly.
I planned to post Pt3 a long time ago, but I haven't been bored recently. Coffee Prince, Avatar, fanfics... They've all been keeping me busy.

And so after hanging around LJ many times, I decided to make an account. I'm hopeless, I know. But I guess it'll just be an outlet for fanfic ideas that I don't really deem ready to publish on yet.
But it'll just be like another blog, and so therefore prolly completely pointless. WHATEVER.

For future reference, I guess. Check back in a month, and I'll prolly have everything set.

And just BTW, I have two piano recitals, one for ABRSM (stupid mom for advertising that I passed Grade8) and one as a preparation for my competition near the end of June, on the 5th and 6th, respectively. (Whew. Long sentence--is it a run-on?) Feeling pretty stressed.

Listening to: United State of Pop '09

I should prolly be working on homework. Sigh.

I'm going shoe shopping/dress shopping tomorrow. I haven't got anything done, and mom's gonna be pissed. And I'm gonna end up deep in shite.