Wednesday, January 27, 2010

o by the by

o by the by
has anyone seen
little you-i
who stood on a green
hill and threw
his wish at blue

with a swoop and a dart
out flew his wish
(it dived like a fish
but it climbed like a dream)
throbbing like a heart
singing like a flame

blue it took my
far beyond far
and high beyond high
bluer it took your
but bluest it took our
away beyond where

what a wonderful thing
is the end of a string
(murmus little you-i
as the hill becomes nil)
and will somebody tell
me why people let go

E. E. Cummings


Sorries... It may seem like I forgot about you guys, but that's not true. (or is it?)
Anyways, many many things to ramble about.

1 The pool is my other home.

2 My swimsuit is currently purple. (Yay, Sheila!) 'Tis very purdy. I like it.

3 Shinshi Doumei Cross aka Gentlemen's Club Alliance (or whatever it was in English). You must read it.

4 I have awesome JPOP CDs at home. They are pwnsome even though they are from a century ago.

5 I am currently writing again. As for fanfics... -HIDES-

6 Claire and I made a pwnsome comic book about biology. (Is there any other awesome word that is synonymous with "pwnsome"?)

Wheeee! Let's celebrate!
I am guessing that my grades will be 93-97, which is sad. (This makes me an overachiever, right?) But there will be a curve. :3
I swear, if our curve is low because some frickin idiot told a bunch frickin idiots about the frickin tests we took I will murder them. (*_*) -DEATHSTARE-

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Cold and Sunny January Sunday

Ok, so Bloland assigned us this weird collage thing, and I'm thinking about collaging the pictures on Photoshop, and doing a bunch of cool effects with it.
But, come on.
It's such a stupid project.
And it's so not worth overachieving for.
So I just decided to print the pictures out and resorted to collaging it in that lame, average, and mediocre way that everyone will do it in.
Go with the majority.
Why not?
I'm about to print it, but my printer doesn't really print anything other than a couple meek green lines.
Then I try my other printer, but it doesn't print at all.

Which leads me to the fact that I just had to go outside by MAHSELF, walk to FedEx Kinko's by MAHSELF, pay for them to print it by MAHSELF, and walk home by MAHSELF.
I'm walking the streets by MAHSELF with no one in sight in the mile radius.
It's fricking Sunday and it's fricking cold.
The entire time I'm thinking, "What the hell is a girl like me doing, walking around on empty streets on this cold and sunny Sunday?"
Then I ask mahself, "How did my mom convince me to do this?"
But despite all this crap, I enjoyed the little walk.
'Tis refreshing! C:

Whoever read the whole post...

You are a loser.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

First post of the New Year

Nothing much to say right now.
Just wanted to post my first post of the new year!

And also, I'm starting a new fanfic on Gakuen Alice, which I need help from.
Except a certain someone COUGHCOUGH Syd COUGHCOUGH hasn't read it yet/ is ignoring me/ hasn't finished reading it.
I don't know which one it is.
Because -ahem- she's not replying to my emails.
Even though I'm pretty sure she was on Facebook earlier...
She's going to make me hunt her down when we get back to school.
She's making things resolve this way.
Tsk, tsk.

So yeah.
Syd, if you're reading this...
Because I'm going to glomp-attack you any moment...